Our priority is to provide our passengers with the most seamless itinerary possible in order to make Dubai Metro and Tram the best option to travel throughout the city. The Think Like a Passenger programme that we’ve implemented in our networks has helped us build an active and positive relationship with our customers, and we aim to replicate that success here in Dubai and to strive for further improvements. The programme is underpinned by three promises, which support the delivery of customer happiness in these areas:
Working with all those involved in the customer journey, including both passengers and employees, we will take a data driven approach to identify and understand those areas of the experience which are most important, and those areas where improvements can be made. We will design and implement solutions that meet and exceed customer requirements and deliver an improved experience.
Different customers require different things from their transport operation. While we acknowledge that we cannot deliver an entirely bespoke solution for every customer, we can provide customers with choice, which allows them to select the options, throughout their journey, which are most suitable for them, and which most accurately meet their needs, allowing customers to tailor their journey to their specific preferences.
Keolis-MHI wants to exceed the basics of delivering customer experience and provide a best-in-class experience for customers, offering new experiences and making public transport a preferred choice for citizens and visitors to commute throughout the city.